While doing a lot of animation with p5.js over the last few months, I’ve slowly developed a template that I now use to start all my projects. It’s designed for my own use but perhaps it could also be useful (in part or as a whole) for other people. So I’m sharing it on GitHub and documenting it below. There’s always ample room for improvement, so if you have any ideas don’t hesite to get in touch.
The main feature of this template is a convenient system to export frames to create videos and gifs. This is accomplished with a small Node.js server, named server.js, that communicates with the p5.js sketch via Socket.io. To export frames, the sketch gets a reference to the web canvas and sends it to server.js, which saves it to disk. The best part is that the exportation can all happen behind the scene, in the command line, using the Node module Puppeteer. Then, when all the frames are exported, they can be turned into videos and gifs using ffmpeg.
Below are all the files included in the template. I will now go through how all the pieces fit together.