Spring on Phobos

I’m continuing to learn live coding with SuperCollider and WebGL shaders, and I composed another audiovisual set, trying more complicated things that I wasn’t able to do for the first one. I performed this new piece at the concert venue La Vitrola on March 29th 2019, as part of the third edition of Signes vitaux, a series of concerts organised by Rodrigo Velasco (Yecto) and Toplap MontrĂ©al.
Unfortunately, my computer is not fast enough to render this piece to disk while I perform it, so for now I’m unable to share a completed version of this work.
Source code
You can find the code written for this set on GitHub.
This blog post is part of my research project Towards an algorithmic cinema, started in April 2018. I invite you to read the first blog post of the project to learn more about it.